I'm a programmer and can write custom iOs and web apps to be plot points or MacGuffins in your plot. I can also put up real tie-in websites, perhaps for fictional entities in your script.
- Programming: iOS and Websites (some of which might look/act like apps)
- Programming design and UI
Production Resources
New York State is home to one of the largest and most experienced pools of talent and film crews anywhere in the country. With Ulster County’s proximity to New York, many experienced industry professionals call Ulster County home. Long-term efforts by the Hudson Valley Film Commission and the Woodstock Film Festival form the backbone for a thriving network of production, post-production resources and supporting services, such as set designers, art directors, construction specialists, carpenters, caterers and landscapers.
Use the below to learn more about local production resources and businesses. Select from Pre-Production, to Post- Production Resources or utilize the Keyword Search.
Use the below to learn more about local production resources and businesses. Select from Pre-Production, to Post- Production Resources or utilize the Keyword Search.
Production Resources
Live Special Effects

Animation & FX, Audio Post-Production, Computer Services, Music/Sound Composition, Arranging, Live Special Effects, Props/Set Scenery

Peter Kunz Effects
Live Special Effects
Magic of Derrin Berger
Film Research, Other Pre-Production, Live Special Effects
Magic, illusion and slight of hand special effect consulting
illusion and magic prop design and construction
live magic performances